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“From those to whom privilege and opportunity are given, we have the right to expect much.” John Vasconcellos

  Lingo Shack is a well-established Language Services Provider offering a wide range of professional services through its three official registered branches in Jordan, Egypt, and Switzerland. The Company is a sole proprietorship, and houses tens of in-house personnel and subcontracted staff. This year marks the 12th anniversary of Lingo Shack’s existence, and still aspires to continue making a difference in people’s lives.

Lingo Shack believes in the significant role the language industry plays in bridging the gaps, and facilitating the affairs of individuals and businesses. For these reasons; the Company feels indebted to society and responsible towards this world. We understand that the growth of our business is interlinked with the development of local communities, which explains the reason our attention is centred on fighting poverty and promoting economic and educational development of vulnerable groups.

Lingo Shack believes in universal values and consider that each corporate is indebted to the environment and society where it operates. To this end, Lingo Shack has developed a well thought out Code of Ethics to govern its operations and designed a Corporate Social Responsibility strategy to guide its actions and conduct in local communities.